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During the recent storms, our Birmingham based client had to endure the nightmare of watching floodwaters rising in his home. His bungalow was soon knee-deep in filthy water and sewage, destroying his property and all of its contents. The house held many cherished memories of his deceased wife and their life together since their retirement and relocation from their previous home, a Post Office in Bradford.

Flood Damage

The client struggled to save what he could, stacking furniture and possessions in every room. He was particularly careful to protect his deceased wife’s jewellery box and her ashes urn. The amount of damage caused by the flood made it impossible for the client to remain in his Birmingham property. So, he was forced to move out and stay with relatives. Two of whom had helped stack some of the items out of reach of the water before driving him to his temporary home back in Bradford.

Lost Jewellery

The floodwaters eventually subsided, and the client was keen to return to his Birmingham home. The insurers sent their representative to assess the claim. It was then that the client realized that he would be out of his home for some time. The client went through his possessions one by one at the storage unit, often evoking memories of the past and treasured moments with his wife. It was during this process that the client found his wife’s jewelry box. He opened it, and to his dismay, it was empty.


The client was absolutely devastated. In desperation, he searched every item in the lockup knowing all along that he would have never removed the jewellery from the box but desperate to find them just the same. Over the next week, there were many conversations in the extended family about what could have happened to the jewelry. In an effort to clear their names, the two family members who had helped to stack the furniture suggested that they should be polygraphed to clear them of any suspicion.

Polygraph Test to Clear Names

Both relatives attended our Birmingham office with the client. He was apologetic to his relatives, but they were all in agreement that the “rumor factory” had started, and fingers were being pointed at them as the only other people having contact with the bungalow and unhindered access to all of the rooms. Both relatives, a husband and wife, were insistent that they had or would never steal from the client and, in fact, had never seen either the jewelry box or its contents, ever.

Relieved Client

Our client was pleased and relieved when both the husband and wife passed the polygraph examination with no deception indicated. It had not solved the mystery, but it had absolved the relatives involved. The polygraph results allowed our client to focus on recovering from the disaster without the added stress of worrying about theft.

If you are in a similar situation and are distressed by a loss or theft, you may want to consider the benefits of a polygraph examination to help resolve any uncertainty or suspicion. Our experienced and professional team can help you to find the truth and clear the air, giving you the peace of mind you need to move forward.

Our lie detector tests are conducted in a comfortable and confidential setting, using the latest technology and methods to ensure the highest levels of accuracy and reliability. We can work with you to design a test that meets your specific needs and provides the information and evidence you need to make informed decisions.

Whether you are dealing with a theft, loss, or other sensitive matter, our lie detector test services can help you to get the answers you need and the closure you deserve. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you find the truth.

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